
I encourage you to use this blog with your child. Have them explain to you what they were doing, learning, exploring, creating etc. Use this as an opportunity to talk about school and to allow your child to reflect on their day.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Creating the Art Studio

  The Art Studio should be a place where students can explore materials freely and be successful while creating. Many educators find that the Art Studio becomes a place where things are messy, disorganized and all project end up looking the same. We wanted to see our students approach the art studio and allow their imaginations to soar. As educators, we began to have discussions based on what we were observing while our students were creating. It became very clear to us that we needed to teach our students how to use all the art tools and how to explore different types of materials. We started by building on our students existing artistic skills.Through explicit instruction at circle time and small group instruction the students began to explore materials, use them appropriately and were able to clean all art materials and their art space. We are building a world of artist in our classroom! 

Where did we decide to start?

We wanted our students to take complete ownership of the Art Studio so as a group we made a plan on how to organize our space. We also made a promise to each other that we would would take pride in the centre and make sure that all materials were organized and ready to go for the next person.

Organizing all the materials for the shelves

The decision was made to place all "Art Materials" on the top shelves and all the "Art Tools" on the bottom shelves

Looks Great! The planning process took the students an entire "Thinking and Learning Time" to complete.

This is a great example of co creating "The Environment as the Third Teacher" with students and teachers working together!

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